Community Action Team Ramsey and Anoka

Just prior to and especially since the elections of 2020, concerned patriotic Americans have been asking, “What is going on and what can we do?” Restore Minnesota offers a Community Action Team (CAT) to you and your home community wherever you live so you, the We the People,” can take ownership of the leadership positions in your “backyards”.

Where is it important for you to lead? Your School Boards? City Councils? County Commissions? Business organizations? Where else is it important for you to have a voice? Perhaps organizing and facilitating a RestoreMN CAT is what your community needs.

Community Action Teams (CATs) operate on the following:

  • A firm acknowledgment of the truth “Jesus Christ is Lord.” (Philippians 2:11)
  • A clear understanding that Jesus instructs His followers to bring into our communities the life and culture of heaven. (Matthew 6:9-10; Philippians 3:20; 2 Corinthians 5:20; Ephesians 2:10)
  • A clear strategy from Jesus. (Matthew 28:18-20)
  • A model from which to implement the strategy.

Ramsey and Anoka County CATs

The key to a Community Action Team (CAT) is the core word “Action”. There are way too many community “talk” teams.

For Restore Minnesota, action must be intentional, well thought-out and, ideally, led by God’s Holy Spirit. We like to say that “Holy Spirit-led prayer releases God-directed action”.

Our actions lead us to participate in what many refer to as “The 7 Mountains of Culture” or “The 7 Spheres of Influence”. As a Christ-centered, transformational leadership, educational organization, we prefer to call them “The 7 Mission Fields of Society”. We choose to use this terminology to reinforce that we are not primarily a political organization but a Christian organization committed to penetrating and leading in every sphere of our society. So, whatever you call the “sevens,” which are: Arts & Entertainment, Media, Business/Commerce, Government, Family, Education and Religion, we believe the Bible’s teachings about Biblical citizenship requires the followers of Jesus Christ and His teachings not only to participate in all seven “mountains,” but also to lead them.

We will be adding a CAT component to our regular meetings.  We will shorten the discussion about current events and add a CAT agenda.  This will be driven by the interest of our members.  We propose to focus on Government and Education in our initial activities.  Here are some ACTIONS we can take:


Attending County Commissioner meetings

Supporting and campaigning for county and state candidates

Calling and writing letters to legislatures on bills that we support

Attending City Counsel meetings

Supporting and campaigning for city counsel candidates


Attending School Board meetings

Supporting and campaigning for local school board candidates that support our values

Follow curriculums and policies of local school districts and raising voices of objection and concern

Support parents rights at school board meetings

Monitor and respond to obscene books in the schools and public libraries.