Restore Minnesota Group

It has been one year since we began the HoneyComb group.  As we have evolved we have heard the same question over and over again.  What can we do?

In response to that the group has attended several rallies but there is a lingering desire to do more.  Through some of our Christian friends we became aware of an organization called Restore Minnesota.  Their values, mission and purpose are amazingly alined with HoneyComb.


Restore Minnesota exists to promote Biblical citizenship in America, first to the people of Minnesota, that educates, equips, empowers and encourages engagement in our local communities in order to restore righteousness, protect liberty, ignite hope and preserve our Judeo-Christian heritage.


Our mission is to create a statewide network of Minnesota patriots committed to developing citizens who support and defend the Biblical principles, values and ideals espoused by our founding fathers in The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution of the United States and the many other support documents that laid the foundation for the establishment of our Christian nation.


Our vision is to Restore Righteousness in America starting with our home state of Minnesota – county by county, community by community – through spiritual and civic transformation based on the gospel, that is, the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.


The strategy is to develop Community Action Teams (CATs) in every one of Minnesota’s 87 counties and, as doors open, in every one of America’s 50 states and 3000+ counties that want one.

We are seeking the Lord to stand up and volunteer to create and host a CAT for Ramsey and possibly Anoka Counties.